Oxbow products are truly my best friend, they have come incredibly handy with such a picky eater. As most of you already know, Cooper doesn’t eat hay, he never has and we all know how important hay is for rabbits. Unfortunately, this made my first few years with him incredibly difficult. Thankfully by now, after more than a handful of trials and errors, I have his diet down packed and able to keep him healthy!
Recently, I’ve received a lot of e-mails asking me how I manage to keep Cooper healthy after so many years, if he doesn’t eat hay. These e-mails couldn’t have come at a better time as I recently ordered a few items from Oxbow. I’m always trying to find alternatives to have him eat hay.

I also came across two Oxbow products which I was eager for Cooper to try, Oxbow Garden Select Adult Rabbit food and Oxbow Hay Blends, Western Timothy and Orchard Grass mixed together. These were great as I’m always trying to keep weight on Cooper, he may look chubby but it’s all fluff! I followed the transition directions stated on the back, Cooper was a bit hesitant at first but as I decreased his old pellets and added more Garden Select he gave in and now loves them!

The ingredients sound amazing; rosemary, thyme, whole yellow pea, tomato, spinach, carrot and banana! I don’t know anybunny who wouldn’t love Garden Select Adult Rabbit food from Oxbow, I highly suggest everyone gives them a try.

Garden Select Adult Rabbit Food
Unfortunately I didn’t have the same luck with the Oxbow Hay Blend. I think I was asking for too much, but I’m always hopeful and willing to try different hays in case he likes one kind. I’ve had it available for him in different places of his area and even switched out his litter box hay, but he still won’t eat hay. It smells great, maybe your bunny will enjoy it!

Hay Blends
The following Oxbow products are my to-go products, I couldn’t live without them because of Cooper’s limited diet. He does eat veggies, which I have upped his intake because it helps him grind his teeth down.

Oxbow Science Digestive Support tablets- helps his tummy work better since he doesn’t eat hay. Please follow the directions depending on your rabbit’s weight.

Digestive Support Tablets
Oxbow Natural Science Urinary Support – I started giving these to Cooper since 2014 when he had surgery to remove stones from his bladder and urethral.

Oxbow Simple Rewards Baked Treats with Apple & Banana – I’ve been feeding him these for the past couple of months until Oxbow Bena Terra Barley Biscuits are back on the market. Cooper loves those! 

He’s taken a liking to the Apple & Banana treats as well, but the Barley biscuits are his absolutely favorite. Besides not eating hay, Cooper doesn’t like fruit either, what an odd ball he is. Ha!

These you may know as his “morning biscuit” he’s a grumpy bunny in the mornings until he gets one. Guess you can call it his morning coffee. #donttalktomebeforebiscuits

Apple & Banana Treats
Oxbow Simple Rewards Timothy Treats –  He won’t eat hay but he’ll eat treats made of it? Yes, that’s Cooper for you, always making mom’s life just a tab bit difficult, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. I feed him one a day when I get home from work.

Timothy Treats
The last two items I always keep at hand because he enjoys a bit of “bunstruction” early on the weekend mornings. Don’t ask me why, but it’s only on weekend mornings that he likes to make such racket that he ends up waking us up. Maybe it’s because I’m not up at the crack of dawn getting ready for work and getting his morning biscuit nice and early.

Nonetheless, these come in handy for bunstruction. I keep them in his cardboard bachelor pad on all three levels for him to tear up.

Timothy Mats       Timothy TwistsI hope this comes in helpful to those who reached out to me. I know I’m not the only one struggling with a picky eater, and I know how difficult it is at the beginning trying to find healthy alternatives for them. I can honestly say the struggle is real, but you are not alone and I’m glad people reach out to me. It’s taken me years to get where I am at with Cooper’s health so please count on me if you need to talk or throw ideas back and forth on what’s worked for me or not. But please never forget that your veterinary comes first. Always reach out to them before seeking help from the internet!

And like I’ve mentioned before, I’m always trying to find healthy alternatives for Cooper due to his limited diet, so if you have found something that works for you, please share it with me too!

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