Bunny parents biggest dilemma? Wanting a free-roaming rabbit and at the same time, protecting their homes. I know this all too well, and that’s why I had Cooper’s enclosure built.
Cooper was a free-roaming rabbit in our previous house, and if you’ve lived with a rabbit you know they are natural chewers. They’ll tear out the carpet and ruin your baseboards. I dealt with that issue before, patched up baseboards and corners where Cooper had torn out the carpet. But once we moved into our new home I wanted to protect it and keep it looking new.
I went to my brother-in-law with photos and an idea. He came back with a master plan, with floor plans and all, a true engineer. From what I shared with him he sketched out the floor plan and how the final product would turn out. It looked amazing on paper.

Needless to say that the final product is amazing too!

The back panel is made out of the following materials:

    • 2- 2×4 pieces of lumber each 7ft in length
    • 2- 2×4 pieces of lumber each 2ft 2 inches in height
    • 1- piece of wire mesh 7 ft x 2ft 2 inches
      1. wire mesh is stapled on outside edge)

The side panels are made out of the following materials:

    • 4- 2×4 pieces of lumber each 4ft  2 inches in length
    • 4- 2×4 pieces of lumber each 2ft 2 inches in height
    • 2- plexiglass panels (thickness is your preference)
      1. length & height depends on deepness of grove made to insert plexiglass into lumber

The front panel is made out of three parts, two side panels and one door:


    • 4- 2×4 pieces of lumber each 2ft 5 inches in length
    • 4- 2×4 pieces of lumber each 2ft 2 inches in height
    • 2 – plexiglass panels (thickness is your preference)
      1. length & height depends on deepness of grove made to insert plexiglass into lumber


    • 4- 2×4 pieces of lumber each 2 ft in length
    • 1- plexiglass panel (thickness is your preference)
    • length & height depends on deepness of grove made to insert plexiglass into lumber
    • 2- door hinges

Additional materials: Nails and screws as needed
The interior is all up to you and how you decide to decorate your rabbit’s play area. To protect ,y carpet, I bought an area rug from IKEA. My brother in law built the enclosure around the measurements of the rug. So if you purchase a larger rug, make the measurement adjustments around it.
Good luck building yours and please share your final product with me, I would love to see everyone’s enclosures.

Cooper the Pooper's rabbit enclosure
CCooper the Pooper - Grey Netherland Dwarf Rabbit - Rabbit Enclosure
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